I’m Dan Ficklin and for the last 17 years I’ve been the Senior Pastor here at Union Ridge. Thanks for taking the time to learn a little of what we’re all about and what we believe.
Simply put, we’re a Bible-based community of faith that seeks to share the Gospel and love of Christ as we work to fulfill the Great Commission. Staying relevant in a world where everything changes so quickly is a challenge, therefore we are constantly looking for new ways to share the timeless message of a never-changing God in an ever-changing world. And that’s where you come in. We love new ideas about ways to take the message of the Gospel into a world so direly in need.
We have around 300 active members and regular visitors, and the emphasis of our “blended” style of worship is the Word, prayer, and music (Southern Gospel and contemporary Christian along with traditional hymns done “Union Ridge style.”) We’re casual in dress, love to laugh, and we take care of each other and those in the community. We have a growing and exciting Children & Youth program, and there are many different ministries here in which to serve and grow. All we need now . . . is YOU!
We’d love to have you come and worship with us and be part of the change in our “new” 207-year-old church. I encourage you to take a moment and look through the website and then give me a call to find out more about life, fellowship, and the love of Christ we share here on “the Ridge.”
Rev. Dan