Union Ridge Church


Christian Education

One of the key components to our discipleship walk is to know God’s Word as presented in scripture.  In addition to private study, it is important to seek to know God better as a community.  Following are some of the many opportunities for Christian education at Union Ridge.

Sunday School: Classes available for all ages 3 and up.  10:00 am each Sunday morning. 

Vacation Bible School: Each summer children of ALL ages gather in the evening to share a meal, fellowship, and the Word of God in an exciting format.

Monday Morning Bible Discussion: 2nd & 4th Monday of each month at 10:00 am.

Special Bible Studies, book studies, and discussion groups led by Rev. Dan.

Evangelism & Membership

Jesus said, “I did not come to be served, but to serve and give my life for many.”   We take that call very seriously at Union Ridge, and as such are constantly in the midst of service projects – from Meals on Wheels to Caring Kitchen to helping rebuild communities affected by storms to community events - wherever we can share the gospel. 
Jesus, just before He left to join His Father in Heaven, said, “Go and make disciples of all nations.”  It is the goal of Union Ridge to answer the Great Commission, and reach the unchurched for the glory of God’s Kingdom here on earth.

Children's & Youth Ministry

Our youth leaders are always looking for to new and exciting ways for the children and youth of the church to grow in Christ.  From scavenger hunts to field trips to summer camp to mission projects, the children and youth are learning to find Christ everywhere they go, and to carry His love to others.  It is an exciting, fun-filled adventure and journey we are all on – and the youth remind us to find joy and hope and wonder at every turn.

Women's Ministry


The women of Union Ridge meet in small group “circles”, and each of these circles participates in individual projects as well as combining their efforts.  Circles include:

The Ridge Morning Circle - 10:00 am 2nd Tuesday of each month Jan-May

The Angie Crew Circle – 7:00 pm 2nd Tuesday of each month Jan-May

Joint Meetings – 7:00 pm 2nd Tuesday of June & September 

Men's Ministry


The “M-n-M” group at Union Ridge (Men in Ministry) is in the midst of “redefining” itself” and seeking new projects and service opportunities.  In addition to our weekly prayer time, we meet quarterly for breakfast and work throughout the year on various projects.


Golden Age

There is great wisdom and joy in those with the "experience of years", and we celebrate that at Union Ridge.  Each quarter we hold a meal and activity gathering to share in fellowship and faith.



Our new Activity Center allows us the opportunity to share in recreation with our community and our world the blessings God has bestowed on us.  We participate in basketball leagues (as well as "pick up" games) at our facility, we have a softball team (and our own field on the church grounds), and each opportunity gives us a chance to share God as we take care of the temples of our bodies.  In addition, we use the Activity Center as a place of community outreach, allowing many different organizations and teams to use the facility.


The Food Pantry

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. Matthew 25:35

At 10:00am on the third Saturday of each month, the Activity Center is opened to those in our community needing assistance with food. Prepacked bags are prepared to hand out, and when folks come they receive a cup of coffee and something to eat followed by a bible study and individual prayer time before leaving with a blessing and food for the week.